Popular Votes


for newsletters 2016

Popular Votes

The Bundaberg Orchid Society Popular Vote Competition is traditionally conducted at our third Thursday of the Month Meetings where member bring in their ‘blooming’ orchids to be judged at the meeting by the members attending that meeting. There is also a Judges Choice in each of the categories. However, now that we are currently not holding these Monthly Meetings we have decided to still inspire the spirit of competition within the Society by holding a “Virtual” Popular Vote Competition my Email and Website.

It works thus:

1) Take a photo of your flower currently in bloom.

2) Nominate the section you wish to enter. Select from Cattleya, Species, Vanda, Dendrobium, Any other, Novice.

3) Send your photo to the Secretary either by email to andrew.straume12@gmail.com  or if you used your mobile phone and have trouble emailing it then text the photo to 0457 857 578.

Entries will close on the third Tuesday night of each month (Less January).

4) On the third Wednesday of the Month the entries will be collated and will be numbered and then emailed to all members and posted on the website.

5) Members have until thelast Sunday of each month to send their vote selections to Rob Coster (Email: costerrobert@hotmail.com)

6) On the following Monday Rob will advise the Secretary of the winners in each Section plus the Judges Choice. The Secretary will  then have the results published on the Webpage.